Friday, June 05, 2020

Cloth Face Masks

There were a couple of weeks after we got home from Arizona when life was pretty much normal. We went to a bluegrass festival in Bellevue for one day and then the numbers of people infected with COVID-19 began to climb. Our state was one of the earliest to see large numbers of deaths and everything was soon shut down. I found it hard to believe that hospitals were unable to procure enough PPE for their workers and began to sew cloth face masks for family and friends. Now that more time has passed, we can see that these may become a permanent part of our culture.

I made masks with ties because the elastic bothers my ears after a while. The ties aren't perfect, though. They are unwieldy and Dave put a plastic cord lock device on his to make it easier to put on and take off. Wearing glasses has also been a bit of a problem because of the lenses fogging. We still don't get out much so we don't up wearing our masks for long. 

1 comment:

Bluestocking said...

I made ours in a variety of styles to see which each of us likes best. Each style seems to have its benefits and drawbacks, but the one constant that we all like is a little channel across the top into which we can insert a looped pipe cleaner. This was a great tip as it makes the makes fit much more closely around the nose, which in turn also helps keep one's glasses from fogging!

I like the Olson style --