Saturday, May 30, 2020

Days For Girls

Days For Girls is an amazing organization that provides washable and reusable menstrual supplies to girls and women around the world. The person who got it off the ground lives in a nearby city and the chapter in our town is one of the earliest that was formed. 

I saw a small ad a few years ago that described the work that was being done in Anacortes and I showed up at a monthly sewing event to check it out. From the very first moment, I liked everything about it. The mission itself is admirable but the execution, locally and internationally, is what has kept me coming back. The leaders here have always been wildly efficient and widely accepting of anything anyone has to give. If you sew, there is sewing but they have found so many other ways for volunteers to contribute and to enjoy the work that they choose to do. Many people put their hours in at home and bring finished products back to the fold. Others give time or money in other ways but I have seen tremendous productivity go out the door and the feedback loop is good. Days for Girls has made constant changes to the kits that they distribute based on information they receive from those who are using them. They also nimbly respond to cultural (no animals on fabrics in Country X) and governmental (no plastic bags in Country Y) constraints. We just pump out a lot of supplies. I think it helps.

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